Mike Hornby is hard at work….
As we are coming into summer, those of you who have visited the Orchard recently will have noticed that it is becoming very overgrown. A small team of us have been trying to deal with this on Tuesday mornings, but the weather has interfered and we are falling behind. We have therefore decided to hold a work session on Sunday, 7 July between 1pm and 4pm, and we would be very grateful for some help!

Our principal objective is to clear away the undergrowth from around the trees and apply mulch. If time permits, we would also like do any re-staking and replacing our wire mesh ‘rabbit barriers’ where necessary.

If you can join us, we would ask you to bring your own tools (if you have any; but don’t worry if not!). These could include garden forks, shears, spades, wheelbarrows, gloves and robust footwear, but anything else you might need. Also be sure to bring water or other items of food and drink to keep you going, especially if the weather is warm.
Children will also be welcome (as long as you remain responsible for them!) and even if you can only join us for an hour, your help will be much appreciated.
Thanking you in anticipation, from the committee.
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