The Memorial Orchard, Thorn Wood, Northwich Road
Who we are?
We are registered as a charity under the name “Weaverham Community Memorial Orchard” with HMRC in England and Wales (No. EW23706)
We are a non-profit making company incorporated at Companies House as a Company Limited by Guarantee, company number 9657902.
Weaverham Community Memorial Orchard (WCMO) is the legal entity ( A Company Limited by Guarantee ) created when the Orchard was originally proposed in order to obtain charitable status. WCMO is the lease holder for the Memorial Orchard. We lease just under one acre of Thorn Wood in Northwich Road from the Woodland Trust. Thorn Wood is in Hartford civic parish, just outside Weaverham.
The Memorial Orchard is run by its trustees and a group of volunteers (The Action Group) that is appointed at the Annual General Meeting. The trustees and the Action Group are the data controller. The Action Group may be contacted by e-mail at or by the website
What personal data do we collect and what do we use it for?
Our records contain your name, address and postcode, your e-mail address and telephone number if you have provided them and your communication preferences.
We keep a record of those willing to volunteer to help at the Community Orchard.
We keep a record of those whose have ordered, purchased or sponsored trees.
We may use this data for communications concerning the administration of WCMO, arranging workgroups and to keep out supporters informed of progress at the Community Orchard.
Members of the Action Group may access this data in order to contact members.
If you choose to subscribe to our e-mail mailing-list we will use this to send you information about of news and events.
The mailing-list software tracks whether you have read the messages that we sent you.
We will not share your information with third parties, or process it in any other way.
With permission we may take photographs of volunteers at work days and groups at events. We may use these photographs on our website or Facebook page. They may be published in the local Parish news-sheets. We may send them to local newspapers to publicise the Memorial Orchard
How we will store the data?
All computers holding personal information are password protected and the files are encrypted.
The e-mail mailing list is stored on a hosted server located in the United Kingdom; access is secured by a password.
The Action Group will retain e-mail communications on the mail server as long as they remain relevant. We will delete your messages on request – Please Note: messages that you have sent to us are not automatically deleted when you unsubscribe from the mailing-list.
The Orchards documents are stored on a Google Drive shared by a closed Google Group. Only members of the Action Group are permitted to access the Google Drive. Google are a Data Processor with storage outside the EU. You may read Google’s Data Processing Amendment here:
Your rights to view and amend data.
You may request to see your personal data by submitting a subject access request by e-mail or by writing to Brian Williams, 3 Leigh Way, Weaverham, CW8 3PR
You may un-subscribe or manage your mailing-list subscription using the links at the bottom of each message at any time.
All communications with the Action Group should be regarded as private communications between the Sender and the Action group collectively.
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