We are drawing near to the end of 2014 which marked the centenary of the start of World War 1. Until November 2018, the centenary of the end of that war, we will be remembering different events in that terrible conflict. Each year, on Armistice Day, we remember all those who gave their lives in both world wars and subsequent conflicts. We should also remember those who were wounded and/or suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder/shell shock. Many of those who apparently got through a war without injury, suffered ill health in later life as a result of the conditions in the trenches, and the majority suffered from memories of the horrors they faced at the front … things they could not bear to talk about.
Our orchard will be a permanent reminder of their sacrifice, but will also bring pleasure to present and future generations of villagers. Unfortunately, all this will cost money. Amongst other things, we need to rid the land of weeds and prepare it for planting. Can you help?
Thanks to those who responded to our previous entry in the Weaverham News. We now know of at least two, possibly three, old Wareham Russet trees left in the village. We are grateful to those organisations and individuals who have agreed to sponsor trees, make donations, or buy a Wareham Russet tree/trees for their own gardens, or as gifts for others. Thanks for your patience; propagation takes time.
If you are interested in contributing your time, money or labour, or just wish to be kept informed of progress, please contact us. This is YOUR orchard and YOUR unique village variety of tree! E-mail: orchard@weaverham.org.uk
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